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- 0Összes tanuló
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- Aug 21, 2015óta aktív
- Tulsa, United StatesElhelyezkedés
Ról ről Coyote Redeagle
My journeys have taken me down the paths of Christianity, Buddhism, Druism, and Native American philosophy and teachings. I have been an active spiritualist for many years and continues to counsel and participate in events with the spiritual community in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
My "formal" training has encompassed many areas, both "light" and "dark", including Cherokee and Lakota philosophies, Wicca, Golden Dawn, Hermetics, Therapeutic Touch, and I am a practicing Reiki Master. I am also an Adept in the Temple of the Vampire.
Tapasztalatok és megkülönböztetések
Reiki Master
Adept rank - Temple of the Vampire
Ordained Minister - ULC
Therapeutic Touch instructor
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