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QoD March 27th 2025
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IT COULD BE TIME FOR A CLEANSE if you experience one or more of these indicators of system overload:
* Weight gain
* Brain fog or low energy
* Inflammation
* Cravings, allergies, sensitivities, or food intolerances
* Bloating, smelly gas, irregular bowel movements, swelling around abdomen
* Acid reflux
* Gut pain
* Acne, Rashes or itching skin
* Achy joints, swollen hands or feet
* PMS, headaches or migraines
* Emotionally stuck in grief, anger, or fear; experiencing unhelpful beliefs and habit patterns.
While body can detox even the most harmful toxic substances, we live in a world with excessive exposure. Not to mention our stressed-out nervous systems!
All of that results in weakened digestive and detox functions. These toxic elements find their way into fat cells and brain tissue, where they’re harder to get rid of.
Unfortunately, even organically grown foods are subject to environmental pollutants. It’s essential to have a strong digestive system and well-functioning detox pathways.
PLUS, old emotions, beliefs and habits get stuck in the lymph, organs, and fat tissue.
When choosing a cleanse, I believe in digestive support with an aim toward self-sufficiency. You shouldn't need supplements to digest comfortably and poop properly once the cleanse is over. And you don’t have to!
The goal is to restore digestion rather than depleting your system further.
Emotions that are ready for release are sure to come up during a cleanse. When you’re able to fully let go of old emotional content, you’ll move through the world feeling lighter in every way.
An Ayurvedic cleanse supports you in doing ALL of the above!
* Why an Ayurvedic cleanse goes beyond physical detoxing. How doing even ONE will change the trajectory of your life, if you do it properly.
* How to gently switch your metabolism to fat burning and cleanse your liver. Reset & harmonize all your digestive functions.
* I’ll share a simple reset diet you can do at home. You'll receive a list of liver-cleansing foods to add to your weekly grocery list. You’ll also know which foods to temporarily take out, for optimal cleansing.
* The importance of cleansing GENTLY. This makes it possible for your body to let go of emotions it no longer needs, along with physical toxins. You’ll discover what level of cleansing you’re ready for, and exactly where to start.
* The top 5 things you MUST do to cleanse successfully, no matter what level of cleansing you’re doing.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, we'll do a simple exercise to mentally prepare you for your next steps toward optimal gut function.
Your investment in this masterclass will serve as a credit when you sign up for any my programs in the next 6 months.
🇨🇦 Canadians are welcome to pay in CAD:
Send an e-transfer for $35 + GST/HST (or $60+ GST/HST for the Big Gutsy Life Spring Bundle) to holly@hollyblazina.com.
PLEASE PUT THE FOLLOWING IN THE COMMENT, so I know which class you’ve paid for: “How to Do an Ayurvedic Cleanse, April 2025.”
IT COULD BE TIME FOR A CLEANSE if you experience one or more of these indicators of system overload:
* Weight gain
* Brain fog or low energy
* Inflammation
* Cravings, allergies, sensitivities, or food intolerances
* Bloating, smelly gas, irregular bowel movements, swelling around abdomen
* Acid reflux
* Gut pain
* Acne, Rashes or itching skin
* Achy joints, swollen hands or feet
* PMS, headaches or migraines
* Emotionally stuck in grief, anger, or fear; experiencing unhelpful beliefs and habit patterns.
While body can detox even the most harmful toxic substances, we live in a world with excessive exposure. Not to mention our stressed-out nervous systems!
All of that results in weakened digestive and detox functions. These toxic elements find their way into fat cells and brain tissue, where they’re harder to get rid of.
Unfortunately, even organically grown foods are subject to environmental pollutants. It’s essential to have a strong digestive system and well-functioning detox pathways.
PLUS, old emotions, beliefs and habits get stuck in the lymph, organs, and fat tissue.
When choosing a cleanse, I believe in digestive support with an aim toward self-sufficiency. You shouldn't need supplements to digest comfortably and poop properly once the cleanse is over. And you don’t have to!
The goal is to restore digestion rather than depleting your system further.
Emotions that are ready for release are sure to come up during a cleanse. When you’re able to fully let go of old emotional content, you’ll move through the world feeling lighter in every way.
An Ayurvedic cleanse supports you in doing ALL of the above!
* Why an Ayurvedic cleanse goes beyond physical detoxing. How doing even ONE will change the trajectory of your life, if you do it properly.
* How to gently switch your metabolism to fat burning and cleanse your liver. Reset & harmonize all your digestive functions.
* I’ll share a simple reset diet you can do at home. You'll receive a list of liver-cleansing foods to add to your weekly grocery list. You’ll also know which foods to temporarily take out, for optimal cleansing.
* The importance of cleansing GENTLY. This makes it possible for your body to let go of emotions it no longer needs, along with physical toxins. You’ll discover what level of cleansing you’re ready for, and exactly where to start.
* The top 5 things you MUST do to cleanse successfully, no matter what level of cleansing you’re doing.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, we'll do a simple exercise to mentally prepare you for your next steps toward optimal gut function.
Your investment in this masterclass will serve as a credit when you sign up for any my programs in the next 6 months.
🇨🇦 Canadians are welcome to pay in CAD:
Send an e-transfer for $35 + GST/HST (or $60+ GST/HST for the Big Gutsy Life Spring Bundle) to holly@hollyblazina.com.
PLEASE PUT THE FOLLOWING IN THE COMMENT, so I know which class you’ve paid for: “How to Do an Ayurvedic Cleanse, April 2025.”
Program Details

About Holly Blazina

Holly Blazina
Holly Blazina is the founder and CEO of Big Gutsy Life, Gutsy Yoga, the Gutsy Type Method, and GutSpirit. She helps empaths and over giving entrepreneurs bring balance into each area of their gut-heart-mind-Spirit axis.
Her unique Gutsy Type Method is an alchemical...
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